Amanda Totchek

The Power of Networking for Women Entrepreneurs in Non-Metropolitan Areas


In the journey of entrepreneurship, networking emerges as a vital tool for growth, learning, and opportunity creation. This holds especially true for women entrepreneurs operating in non-metropolitan areas, where resources may be more scattered and the business community tighter-knit. I’m Amanda Totchek, an entrepreneur from a small town, and I’ve seen firsthand how powerful networking can be to break barriers and foster significant business growth.

Overcoming Isolation Through Networking

One of the biggest challenges for entrepreneurs in smaller towns is the feeling of isolation. You might think you’re the only one facing certain challenges or that resources available to big city entrepreneurs are out of reach. Networking is the key to overcoming this. It connects you with like-minded individuals who not only understand your struggles but can share insights and solutions that are adaptable to your own business environment.

Building a Support System

Creating a strong network builds a support system that can prove invaluable. In smaller communities, personal relationships can lead to stronger and more sustained support compared to the often transactional nature of larger business networks. These relationships can provide not just business insights but also emotional support, which is crucial in the often-lonely path of entrepreneurship.

Leveraging Local and Online Networking Opportunities

For women in non-metropolitan areas, networking needs to be both local and online to be fully effective. Here’s how I’ve leveraged these avenues:

Local Business Events and Community Gatherings

Engaging in local business events, community gatherings, and even informal meet-ups can significantly enhance your visibility and connect you with potential mentors, partners, or customers. In smaller towns, a strong local presence can translate into community support for your business, which is invaluable. Participating in local events has allowed me to understand the unique needs of my community, adapt my services accordingly, and build a loyal customer base.

Expanding Reach Through Online Networks

The digital world offers limitless networking opportunities that transcend geographical boundaries. Online platforms, forums, and social media groups specifically for entrepreneurs provide access to a global network. These platforms have been instrumental for me to connect with other women entrepreneurs, share experiences, gain new perspectives, and even find new markets. They are also great for finding resources like webinars, virtual conferences, and workshops that can be crucial for skill enhancement and staying updated with industry trends.

Strategic Networking for Business Growth

Networking should be strategic; it’s not just about collecting contacts but building relationships that matter. Here’s how I approach networking strategically:

Identifying Key Relationships

Identify the types of relationships that will benefit your business the most. Is it fellow business owners, potential investors, suppliers, or mentors? Understanding this will help you focus your networking efforts more effectively.

Engaging Authentically

In smaller communities, authenticity in networking is crucial. People value genuine connections, and being sincere in your interactions can set you apart. Authentic engagement involves listening as much as it involves sharing your own story.

Follow-Up and Follow Through

After meeting someone new, always follow up with a thank you message, an invitation to meet again, or simply share something useful based on your conversation. This helps turn a casual contact into a lasting business relationship.

Success Stories from Effective Networking

Through networking, I’ve not only expanded my business but also collaborated on community projects that have enhanced my brand’s visibility and credibility. For example, through a local business meetup, I connected with a real estate company that later partnered with my studio for a wellness event. This not only boosted my studio’s profile but also demonstrated the power of local collaborations.

The Ripple Effect of Networking

Networking creates a ripple effect; each connection leads to new opportunities. Whether it’s a referral, a joint venture, or gaining a new client, the effects of networking are extensive. It also contributes to a robust local economy, as businesses support each other, keeping the local markets vibrant and dynamic.


For women entrepreneurs in non-metropolitan areas, networking is not just beneficial; it’s essential. It breaks down the barriers of isolation, opens up new avenues for business growth, and builds a supportive community that can propel your business to new heights. I encourage every woman entrepreneur to invest time in building a diverse and dynamic network. It’s not just about growing your business; it’s about enriching your entrepreneurial journey and making a lasting impact in your community.